Cannabis Retailers, Processors, Producers, and Transporters
Director's Rules for cannabis businesses have been finalized. If you have questions about these final rules, please email
Cannabis Business Final Rules, effective Sept. 22, 2022
Cannabis businesses located in Seattle and those that come into Seattle to engage in cannabis business activities must obtain a Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) license, a Seattle business license tax certificate and a Seattle cannabis regulatory business license. No cannabis businesses are allowed to operate in Seattle without a business license and a cannabis regulatory business license.
The information below is available for download: to Tip 5501, Seattle Cannabis Business Licensing Information. See also Non-State Licensed Cannabis Establishment Enforcement Guidelines.
Cannabis business regulatory license applications
Application packets are available at the Department of Facilities and Administrative Services (FAS) Consumer Protection Division on the 4th floor of the Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 Fifth Ave.
You may also request to have the application packet mailed to you by sending an email to with "Cannabis Business License Application Packet Request" in the subject line and your contact name, business name, phone number, and physical business and mailing addresses in the body of the message.
You may return the application in person or by mail. We will accept only complete applications, and we will accept license fees only following approval of the entire application package.
If you have a physical location within Seattle city limits, you must also submit:
- Copy of a current certificate of occupancy, if available, OR a copy of an approved use permit or active (non-expired) permit issued through the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI).
- Verification of base zoning requirements for the type of business and activity.
If an application is deemed incomplete, we will notify the applicant(s) and offer an opportunity to resubmit a complete application with required documents.
To check whether a physical location might meet the City's zoning requirements, please visit the Cannabis Business Zoning Map.
Cannabis business regulatory license renewals
The City will mail license renewal forms to all licensees on record. If you have not received the renewal forms by May 15, email to submit a request for the forms; please include your business name, customer number and mailing address. The completed forms with license fee must be received, reviewed and approved by June 30 to continue business activities in Seattle. To allow sufficient time for the renewal process, you should submit all necessary materials by May 31.
Renewal approval is dependent upon currency with all required permits, licenses, fines, fees and tax obligations for the City as well as Washington state. Outstanding obligations, violations, judgments and convictions may result in non-renewal or suspension or revocation of your Cannabis Regulatory Business License. Upon approval of your application, an approval/invoice will be sent to you. You may mail in your payment or remit the license fee in person at the FAS office on the 4th floor of the Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 Fifth Ave.
Cannabis business inspections
FAS inspectors may inspect your business premises during operating hours. Please review SMC 6.500 to ensure compliance. Violations may result in civil penalties, license suspension and/or license revocation. Criminal charges and/or seizure of cannabis products may be considered.
Cannabis business director's rules
Title | City Clerk File No. | Rule No. |
Cannabis Business Regulations | 323281 | CBR-017-2025, CBR-075-2025, CBR-077-2025, CBR-079-2025, CBR-080-2025, CBR-083-2025, CBR-085-2025, CBR-086-2025, CBR-087-2025, CBR-095-2025, CBR-096-2025, CBR-099-2025, CBR-105-2025, CBR-1055-2025, CBR-106-2025, CBR-110-2025, CBR-147-2025, CBR-150-2025, CBR-155-2025, CBR-310-2025, CBR-410-2025, CBR-415-2025 |
Social Equity Applicant | 322860 | CBR-1-2023 |