City Light's Integrated Resource Plan is our long-term plan with a goal to meet anticipated customer energy needs over the next 20 years. It outlines our strategy to meet our goals to supply reliable electricity to customers at a reasonable cost and risk, while protecting the environment and ensuring service equity.
Process for Development
Integrated electricity systems are complex and require large capital investments. Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) are based on long-term load forecasts and identify the selection of energy resource options, but also require flexibility and regular review to respond to changing market conditions and future uncertainties.
We develop a full IRP or a progress report every two years to present to the Seattle City Council. We seek input from our customers, stakeholders and the general public around preferences related to electricity options through public meetings and outreach.
City Light's IRP is submitted to the Washington State Department of Commerce.
If you have questions, would like to provide input or feedback, or are interested in becoming a technical advisor, email to better understand the role and what qualifications are needed.
Integrated Resource Planning Library
Our most current IRPs, as well as public meetings and materials can be found here.