
At the March 1908 general election, the voters of Seattle passed City Charter Amendment No. 21 "Amending Section 1 of Article IV providing for a municipal system of direct legislation by the initiative and referendum." The amendment carried by a vote of 11,493 - 6,063.

Direct legislation by referendum is a mechanism by which ordinances passed by the City Council are placed on the ballot for approval or rejection by the voters. There are two ways in which a referendum is sent to the voters: 1) by a citizen petition, and 2) by City Council referral.

A referendum relating to an ordinance passed by the City Council may be exercised by a petition signed by at least 8% of the total number of votes cast for the office of Mayor at the last preceding municipal election. (Ordinances necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, or providing for the approval of local improvement assessment rolls, or for the issuance of local improvement bonds, are exempt from the referendum process.)

When an ordinance is passed by City Council and is signed by the Mayor, in most cases it becomes law in 30 days. Referendum petitions must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office before the ordinance becomes law; therefore citizens have just 29 days to gather petition signatures. Once the signatures have been gathered and filed with the City Clerk, they are transferred to King County Elections for verification that signers are registered voters. If there are sufficient valid signatures, the City Council must then refer the legislation to the ballot. Detailed procedures for the referendum process can be found in the Citizen Referendum Guide on the City Clerk's website.

A second form of referendum occurs when City Council passes legislation and specifically refers it to the voters without petition.

The following is a list of referenda that have been filed with the City Clerk since 1910. It does not include two types of legislation that are always sent to the ballot for a vote: propositions that require votes on bonds and levies, and City Charter Amendments. The latter may be sent to the ballot through either citizen petition or passage of City Council resolutions placing amendments on the ballot. These two types of measures/legislation are not defined as referenda under Article IV of the City Charter.

Explanatory Key to Referenda List

Ordinance. This is the ordinance number for the legislation passed by City Council and referred to the voters.

Ordinance Title. This is the long title of the ordinance being referred. The title is found on the file jacket of the legislation.

Date Passed. This is the date the ordinance was passed by the City Council.

Referendum Type. This indicates whether the referendum was by citizen petition or referral by the City Council. If the type is a citizen petition, the Clerk File number of the petition is noted.

Disposition. This relates to the fate of the referendum. Where a referendum reached the ballot, there is a notation of whether it passed or failed and includes the date of the election. Petitions which did not include enough valid signatures are noted as having "Insufficient signatures." Also included are any other actions or circumstances that directly affected the referendum.

Vote Totals. This includes the final vote on the ordinance if the referendum made it to the ballot. If the ordinance did not make it to the ballet, the designation "n/a" is included.

Ordinance: 19077
Ordinance Title: An Ordinance granting to the National District Telegraph Company of Seattle, its successors and assigns, the right of establish and conduct in the City of Seattle electrical protection system, and to lease from other persons or corporations, wires or conduits for the operation of such system, and to construct and maintain wires upon poles owned by any corporation or person upon obtaining the consent of such corporation or person, and to operate such system for the assistant of the fire and police departments of the City of Seattle.
Date passed by City Council: July 27, 1908
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 35517)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 7, 1911 election
Vote Totals: 10742 - 14638

Ordinance: 30039
Ordinance Title: An Ordinance relating to the organization, management and operation of the Fire Department of The City of Seattle, and repairing all ordinances in conflict. [Two platoon system]
Date passed by City Council: September 16, 1912
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the November 5, 1912 election
Vote Totals: 34153 - 18620

Ordinance: 30451
Ordinance Title: An Ordinance relating to the administration of penal justice in the City of Seattle and prescribing cases in which arrests may be made without warrants, and conforming the authority of the police of this city to the laws of the State of Washington, and providing penalties for the violation hereof.
Date passed by City Council: November 11, 1912
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 50413)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 4, 1913 election
Vote Totals: 70669 - 70786

Ordinance: 38413
Ordinance Title: An ordinance granting to the National District Telegraph Company of Seattle, Washington, its successors and assigns, a franchise to operate a signal system in the City of Seattle, State of Washington.
Date passed by City Council: April 22, 1918
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 70786)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 4, 1919 election
Vote Totals: 6938 - 33553

Ordinance: 46791
Ordinance Title: An Ordinance relating to and providing for the compromise settlement and payment of the claims of the North Bend Lumber Company, a corporation, and other claimants, against The City of Seattle, for alleged damages to property, and making an appropriation therefore.
Date passed by City Council: April 14, 1924
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 94642)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 10, 1925 election
Vote Totals: 17436 - 20060

Ordinance: 50048
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to, and specifying and adopting a plan or system of additions and betterments to, and extensions of, the existing municipal street railway system owned and operated by the City of Seattle, providing for the acquisition of, and payment for, certain street railway lines and street railway property and equipment, and issuing bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the creation of, and creating, a special fund to pay the principal and interest of such bonds.
Date passed by City Council: November 30, 1925
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 103155)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 8, 1927 election
Vote Totals: 13181 - 27837

Ordinance: 56716
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to, and fixing the compensation to be paid to the incumbents of, certain positions and places of employment in the Police and Fire Department of the City of Seattle, repealing all ordinances and parts thereof in conflict herewith, and providing for the referendum thereof.
Date passed by City Council: December 24, 1928
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 12, 1929 election
Vote Totals: 13750 - 33106

Ordinance: 56778
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to and providing for the condemnation of certain lands in Section 34, Township 26 North, Range 4 East, W. M., and Shore Lands adjoining. (Matthews Beach).
Date passed by City Council: December 10, 1928
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 119966)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 12, 1929 election
Vote Totals: 10390 - 32380

Ordinance: 58646
Ordinance Title: An ordinance granting for a period of 10 years to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, its successors or assigns, the right, privilege and authority to continue to maintain, operate and to extend its present telephone and telegraph system, and to place, erect, lay, maintain, operate, repair, remove or replace in, upon or under, the streets, alleys, avenues, thoroughfares, public highways and public grounds of the City of Seattle, poles, conduits, wires, cables and other facilities, appliances and conductors for the transmission of electricity for telephone and telegraph purposes, and specifying the limitations and conditions of such grant; and submitting the same to the qualified electors (voters) for ratification or rejection.
Date passed by City Council: December 2, 1929
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 11, 1930 election
Vote Totals: 31688 - 43727

Ordinance: 58836
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to the municipal light and power plant and system, accepting the bid of L.A. DeCour to lease certain land (Spring Substation site), and authorizing and directing the execution of a lease with respect thereto.
Date passed by City Council: January 21, 1930
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the March 11, 1930 election
Vote Totals: 47710 - 18067

Ordinance: 59719
Ordinance Title: An ordinance providing for the laying off, opening, widening, extending and establishing of a public street and highway to be known as Aurora Avenue, from Broad Street to Hillside Place, and Aurora Avenue from North 36th Street to West Green Lake Way at North 65th Street; West Green Lake Way, between North 65th Street and Woodland Park Avenue; Lynn Place, from the intersection of Aurora Avenue as established herein and Lynn Street, southeasterly to an intersection with Dexter Avenue near Crockett Street; 6th Avenue North, between Halladay Street and McGraw Street; Hillside Place, between Aurora Avenue as established herein and Halladay Street; Ray Street, from 4th Avenue North to Aurora Avenue as established herein; of a public street and highway to be known as Linden Place, from Aurora Avenue north of North 36th Street northwesterly to Fremont Avenue south of North 39th Street; of a public street and highway to be known as Whitman Place, from Aurora Avenue; north of North 36th Street, northeasterly to Stone Way north of North 39th Street; of a public street and highway to be known as Greenwood Place, from Aurora Avenue and Allen Place northwesterly to Linden Avenue and North 46th Street; of a public street and highway to be known as Woodland Place, from Aurora Avenue and Allen Place northeasterly to Stone Way and North 50th Street; of a public street and highway to be known as Midvale Place, from North 46th Street and Woodland Park Avenue southeasterly to North 45th Street and of North 46th Street at Stone Avenue; providing for the changing and establishing of the curb grades of the above named streets, avenues and places, and of Aloha Street from 6th Avenue North to Dexter Avenue; Ward Street, Prospect Street and Highland Drive, each from 6th Avenue North to Aurora Avenue as established herein; North 38th Street, from Linden Avenue to Whitman Avenue; Whitman Avenue between North 36th Street and North 39th Street; Albion Place, from North 38th Street to North 39th Street; Winslow Place between Allen Place and North 45th Street; of North 46th Street, between Fremont Avenue and Woodland Park Avenue; Linden Avenue and Whitman Avenue, each between North 45th Street and North 47th Street; and North 50th Street, from Fremont Avenue to Whitman Avenue; providing for the condemnation appropriation, taking and damaging of land and other property necessary therefor; and for the making of the necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the property abutting upon said streets, avenues and places; providing for the condemnation, appropriation and taking of land and other property in fee simple for general municipal purposes; providing for the changing of the use of certain portions of West Green Lake Way, used for park and parkway purposes, from such use to a commercial use; providing that the entire cost of such improvement shall be paid by special assessment upon the property specially benefited, or from such fund as the City Council of the City of Seattle may direct, except as herein otherwise provided, or by both special assessment and from such fund; and providing for the changing of the names of certain streets and avenues.
Date passed by City Council: June 30, 1930
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 127672)
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the November 4, 1930 election
Vote Totals: 37719 - 29432

Ordinance: 63714
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to and providing for "Daylight Saving" and adopting Standard Time for the City of Seattle, and submitting the same to the qualified electors (voters) for ratification or rejection at the general municipal election of March 13, 1934.
Date passed by City Council: May 22, 1933
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 13, 1934 election
Vote Totals: 32436 - 48322

Ordinance: 65613
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to and revoking the temporary permit heretofore granted the Seattle and Rainier Valley Railway Company by Ordinance No. 65425; ordering said Company to remove its roadbed and appurtenances from all streets, avenues and public places in the City of Seattle within ninety days after the effective date of this ordinance, and repealing Ordinance No. 65425.
Date passed by City Council: August 26, 1935
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 148177)
Disposition: On September 18, 1935, the City Comptroller notified City Council that 15,707 signatures were submitted and indicated that was enough to meet the referendum threshold, even if one third were invalid. He requested $300 to check valid signatures. City Council denied the Comptroller's request. The referendum petition was not referred to the electorate.
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 74573
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to the salary rates of certain members of the Police and Fire Departments as fixed by the Initiative Ordinance of 1942; increasing such rates $30.00 per month as of January 1, 1946 subject to the referendum at the general municipal election of March 12, 1946; requiring the City Comptroller and ex-officio City Clerk to certify to the Election Board of King County as required by law, said referred proposition in the form of a specified ballot title and declaring an emergency.
Date passed by City Council: January 7, 1946
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the March 12, 1946 election
Vote Totals: 69636 - 28487

Ordinance: 77267
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to the establishment of daylight saving time in Seattle annually during the months June to September, inclusive, subject to the referendum at a special municipal election on November 2, 1948; and requiring the City Clerk to certify to the Election Board of King County as required by law, said referred proposition in the form of a specified ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: August 17, 1948
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the November 2, 1948 election
Vote Totals: 71297 - 45237

Ordinance: 78367
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to daylight saving time as fixed by referred Ordinance No. 77267; and requiring the City Clerk to certify to the Election Board of King County as required by law, a proposition in the form of a specified ballot title to amend said ordinance, at the general municipal election of March 14, 1950.
Date passed by City Council: October 24, 1949
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the March 14, 1950 election
Vote Totals: 69818 - 22535

Ordinance: 78080
Ordinance Title: An ordinance regulating the dispensing of gasoline; prohibiting the operation of self-service gasoline filling stations; and prescribing penalties.
Date passed by City Council: June 6, 1949
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 203989)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 14, 1950 election
Vote Totals: 30466 - 59701

Ordinance: 78353
Ordinance Title: An ordinance approving an application to the Public Housing Administration for a preliminary loan in connection with 1221 prospective dwelling units of low cost public housing; and providing for a cooperation agreement.
Date passed by City Council: October 24, 1949
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 205240)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 14, 1950 election
Vote Totals: 33895 - 58697

Ordinance: 80527
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to the municipal water supply; authorizing fluoridation thereof and providing the method, declaring the estimated cost and providing for payment by an additional to water bills; and subject to the referendum at the municipal general election of March 11, 1952; providing for certification of said referendum proposition and prescribing a ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: November 26, 1951
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 11, 1952 election
Vote Totals: 45615 - 88168

Ordinance: 83423
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to the license or tax imposed by Ordinance No. 72630 and amending Section 3 thereof to increase the rate for certain businesses, occupations, pursuits and privileges imposed by Sub-section (f) of said Section 3.
Date passed by City Council: September 13, 1954
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 226000)
Disposition: The citizen petition had sufficient signatures to be referred to the ballot, but the City filed a lawsuit claiming that the petitions were not filed within the required timeframe. In May, 1955, the Corporation Counsel advised City Council that the court held that the petition was "timely filed" and that the options now were to submit the Ordinance to a vote of the people or for Council to repeal it. Council chose that latter course and repealed the Ordinance on December 12, 1955.
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 84390
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to the municipal sewerage system and additions and betterments thereto and extensions thereof; and the financing, maintenance and operation thereof as a public utility; providing for rates and charges; for the creation of a special "Sewer Fund" into which shall be paid all revenues and out of which shall be paid all expenses of said system; and for the administration and enforcement of this ordinance.
Date passed by City Council: August 22, 1955
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 227859)
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the March 13, 1956 election
Vote Totals: 98257 - 43615

Ordinance: 84392
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to the municipal water supply system of the city, and amending Sections 33 and 34 of Ordinance No. 65877, as amended, to increase the rates and charges for water in order to finance needed additions and betterments thereto and extensions thereof, and to pay maintenance, operation, taxes and other charges, and abolishing, by non-inclusion, the sewerage service charge heretofore collected from surplus in the Water Fund.
Date passed by City Council: August 29, 1955
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 227858)
Disposition: On October 24, 1955, the Corporation Counsel advised City Council that Ordinance 84392 was not subject to Referendum pursuant to state law. On November 7, 1955, City Council denied the petition to refer the ordinance to a vote.
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 86749
Ordinance Title: An ordinance requiring the keeping of dogs on the premises of the owner or custodian thereof except when on leash; defining offenses; authorizing impounding and prescribing penalties, all subject to the referendum at the municipal general election of March 11, 1958; providing for the certification of said referendum proposition and prescribing the ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: December 23, 1957
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the March 11, 1958 election
Vote Totals: 77102 - 62462

Ordinance: 88409
Ordinance Title: An ordinance referring to the voters at a special municipal election to be held in Seattle on September 29, 1959, a referendum proposition to convert the present Civic Auditorium structure into a concert-convention hall of about 3100 seating capacity at an estimated cost of $2,500,000, in lieu of the separate structure contemplated by Ordinances 85404 and 85774 and also to construct a multi-purpose auditorium of about 800 seating capacity, all out of about $3,100,000 remaining in Civic Center Development Bonds 1956 Fund; and to remodel and improve the Civic Ice Arena from other city funds in such connection, calling for such an election and providing for the certification of such referendum proposition and prescribing the ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: July 20, 1959
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the September 29, 1959 election
Vote Totals: 63583 - 11997

Ordinance: 92497
Ordinance Title: An ordinance defining and prohibiting unfair housing practices in the sale and offering for sale and in the rental and offering for rent and in the financing of housing accommodations, and defining offenses and prescribing penalties, all subject to ratification at the general municipal election on March 10, 1964.
Date passed by City Council: November 26, 1963
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the March 10, 1964 election
Vote Totals: 54448 - 115627

Ordinance: 93643
Ordinance Title: An ordinance vacating 8th Avenue, et al. on petition of Seattle Housing Authority.
Date passed by City Council: February 23, 1965
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 252943)
Disposition: Signed petitions were filed one day after the deadline. The City Attorney issued an opinion that the signatures should not be counted. Petitioners filed suit against the City to require a count. Trial court upheld the City Attorney’s opinion. Upon appeal, the State Supreme Court upheld the trial court decision. The Supreme Court decision was issued on March 30, 1967.
Vote Totals:

Ordinance: 96123
Ordinance Title: An ordinance approving an urban renewal plan for the Yesler-Atlantic Neighborhood Improvement Project (Wash. R-5), making certain findings respecting the urban renewal area, establishing certain priorities and conditions upon execution of the plan, and authorizing an application for Federal financial assistance in connection therewith.
Date passed by City Council: October 2, 1967
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 259469)
Disposition: Insufficient signatures.
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 96931
Ordinance Title: An ordinance providing for fluoridation of the municipal water supply and authorizing construction of necessary facilities.
Date passed: July 22, 1968
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the November 5, 1968 election
Vote Totals: 121047 - 93142

Ordinance: 98017
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to and levying an excise tax in accordance with RCW Chapter 35.95 for the support of the public transportation system of the City; defining offenses and prescribing penalties.
Date passed by City Council: August 11, 1969
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 264627)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the November 4, 1969 election
Vote Totals: 62212 - 81306

Ordinance: 100539
Ordinance Title: An ordinance referring to the voters at a special municipal election to be held in Seattle on February 8, 1972 a referendum proposition to proceed with acquisition of land for and construction of the Bay Freeway Project as contemplated by Ordinance 99377; to pay part of the cost from the Seattle General Street Improvement Bonds 1960 Fund authorized by Ordinance 88825 and approved by the voters on March 8, 1960; calling for such an election and providing for the certification of such referendum proposition and prescribing the ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: December 20, 1971
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at the February 8, 1972 election
Vote Totals: 43471 - 53658

Ordinance: 100541
Ordinance Title: An ordinance referring to the voters at a special municipal election to be held in Seattle on February 8, 1972 a referendum proposition to terminate the R. H. Thomson (Empire) Expressway Project contemplated by Ordinance 88825 approved by the voters on March 8, 1960; to reimburse the State of Washington for expenses incurred by it and the United States Government in connection with such project, to demolish or restore and dispose of properties previously acquired in connection therewith; to terminate certain other projects contemplated by Ordinance 88825; to abandon authorization to issue $11,128,000 of unissued bonds authorized by Ordinance 88825, and calling for an election and providing for the certification of such referendum proposition and prescribing the ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: December 20, 1971
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the February 8, 1972 election
Vote Totals: 66275 - 27362

Ordinance: 101254
Ordinance Title: An ordinance referring to the voters at a special municipal election to be held in Seattle on September 19, 1972 a referendum proposition to acquire, construct, and equip a new Fire Station No. 18 at a site to be located in the Ballard area rather than at the existing Ballard fire station site at 5429 Russell Avenue Northwest as contemplated by Ordinance 96326, calling for such an election and providing for the certification of such referendum proposition and prescribing the ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: August 3, 1972
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the September 19, 1972 election
Vote Totals: 70044 - 28953

Ordinance: 101255
Ordinance Title: An ordinance referring to the voters at a special municipal election to be held in Seattle on September 19, 1972 a referendum proposition to acquire, construct, and equip a new Fire Station No. 31 (Northgate) at its existing site to be expanded located at 1319 North Northgate Way rather than constructing such fire station on a new site to be acquired in the vicinity of Meridian Avenue North and North 110th Street as contemplated by Ordinance 96326, approved by the voters at a special election on February 13, 1968, calling for such an election and providing for the certification of such referendum proposition and prescribing the ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: August 3, 1972
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the September 19, 1972 election
Vote Totals: 78700 – 15,900

Ordinance: 101256
Ordinance Title: An ordinance referring to the voters at a special municipal election to be held in Seattle on September 19, 1972, a referendum proposition to terminate authorization for acquisition, construction and equipping of new Fire Station No. 42 in the vicinity of 26th Avenue Southwest and Southwest Roxbury Street as contemplated by Ordinance 96326 approved by vote of the electors at a special election in The City of Seattle on February 13, 1968, calling for such an election and providing for the certification of such a referendum proposition and prescribing the ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: August 3, 1972
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the September 19, 1972 election
Vote Totals: 61391 - 29232

Ordinance: 101389
Ordinance Title: An ordinance conditionally authorizing a special building permit for construction of the King County Multipurpose Stadium in the vicinity of the King Street Railway Station.
Date passed by City Council: September 11, 1972
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 274053)
Disposition: The petition file indicates that the Comptroller transferred 651 petition pages to King County for signature verification. There is no record of a certificate of sufficiency or insufficiency. Nor is there any record of Ordinance 101389 going to the ballot for a vote.
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 101413
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to land use and zoning; amending Sections 23.2 and 23.3 of the Zoning Ordinance (86300) relating to off-street parking requirements for stadiums, outdoor sports arenas and places of public assembly.
Date passed by City Council: September 11, 1972
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 274054)
Disposition: Insufficient signatures
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 101690
Ordinance Title: An ordinance referring to the voters at a special municipal election to be held in Seattle on February 6, 1973 a referendum proposition, subject to the voting requirements of Article VII, Section 2 of the State Constitution to utilize unspent and unallocated proceeds remaining from time to time in the Seattle General Street Improvement Bonds 1960 Fund as authorized by Ordinance 88825, approved by the voters on March 8, 1960, for the purpose of making certain bridge and retaining wall improvements within the City, and calling for an election and providing for the certification of such referendum proposition and prescribing the ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: December 21, 1972
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: The State required that approximately 106,000 votes needed to be cast in the election to validate the ordinance. Only 104848 votes were cast. Therefore, despite overwhelming support for measure, it was defeated at the February 6, 1973 election.
Vote Totals: 81055 - 20516

Ordinance: 101858
Ordinance Title: An ordinance referring to the voters at a special municipal election to be held in Seattle on March 27, 1973 a referendum proposition, subject to the voting requirements of Article VII, Section 2 of the State Constitution, to utilize unspent and unallocated proceeds remaining from time to time in the Seattle General Street Improvement Bonds 1960 Fund as authorized by Ordinance 88825, approved by the voters on March 8, 1960, for the purpose of making certain bridge and retaining wall improvements within the City, and calling for an election and providing for the certification of such referendum proposition and prescribing the ballot title.
Date passed by City Council: February 15, 1973
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the March 27, 1973 election
Vote Totals: 106842 - 20310

Ordinance: 102766
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to the Engineering Department and to the West Seattle Freeway, Phase I, as contemplated by findings adopted by Ordinance 102374, authorizing the completion of plans, preparation of cost estimates and specifications, acquisition of the necessary right of way, employment of consultants, and thereafter the construction of Phase I; and making a partially reimbursable appropriation from the Arterial City Street Fund therefor.
Date passed by City Council: November 12, 1973
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 277544)
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the March 26, 1974 election
Vote Totals: 56216 - 26563

Ordinance: 103791
Ordinance Title: An ordinance referring to the voters at a special municipal election requested to be held on November 5, 1974 a referendum proposition to amend Ordinance 102766 to provide for the redesign and construction of the West Seattle Freeway, Phase I, without commitment to certain specific design features adopted by Resolution 23584 which are immaterial to alignment of, and establishment of the limited access air corridor for, said facility; conditionally authorizing to facilities in the event the estimated cost of said Phase I facility exceeds City resources; and providing for the certification of such referendum proposition and prescribing the ballot title therefor.
Date passed by City Council: September 16, 1974
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the November 5, 1974 election
Vote Totals: 81364 - 69617

Ordinance: 103825
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to gambling; prohibiting social card games in The City of Seattle in accordance with Chapter 218, Laws of Washington, 1973 1st Ex. Sess. as amended, and providing penalties.
Date passed by City Council: September 23, 1974
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 280345)
Disposition: Insufficient signatures.
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 106908
Ordinance Title: An ordinance fixing the annual salary for the Office of Councilman and superseding prior ordinances to the extent inconsistent.
Date passed by City Council: November 7, 1977
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 285884)
Disposition: There is no record of the number of petitions filed, whether they were sent to King County for verification of signatures, or of any a certificate of sufficiency or insufficiency. Ordinance 106908 was not referred to the voters.
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 113613
Ordinance Title: An ordinance authorizing an interlocal agreement with King County and the Port of Seattle to establish a Taxicab commission, providing for its structure, placing a moratorium on issuing licenses, authorizing inspection of financial records and providing for reporting of information to assist the Taxicab Commission, requiring two-way communication equipment; providing for an informational course; adding grounds for license revocation; amending Seattle Municipal Codes 6.212.160 and 6.212.070, adding Sections 6.212.045, 6.212.250, 6.212.260, and 6.212.270 and adding a new chapter 3.79 in connection therewith.
Date passed by City Council: September 14, 1987
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 296062)
Disposition: Insufficient signatures
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 117470
Ordinance Title: An ordinance authorizing the Mayor, as part of the City's participation in the proposed redevelopment of the former Frederick and Nelson Building, the present Nordstrom store, and the Frederick and Nelson parking garage, to enter into an agreement committing the City to reopen Pine Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues to vehicular traffic, including transit vehicles; requiring that any such agreement include that the City retain full authority to temporarily close the street for special civic events, including celebrations, special events, and holiday gatherings, and that the City shall not be obligated to reopen Pine Street until the developers meet specified benchmarks; and authorizing the Mayor to accept $1,000,000 in grant funds and to develop a plan to spend the funds to enhance the pedestrian, design, and circulation potential of Pine Street and to enhance Westlake Plaza as a central civic gathering place.
Date passed by City Council: January 25, 1995
Referendum Type: City Council referred
Disposition: Ordinance approved at the March 14, 1995 election.
Vote Totals: 82546 - 50702

Ordinance: 121952
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to regulation of adult entertainment; adding new sections to the Seattle Municipal Code; and amending Sections 6.202.280, 6.202.310, 6.270.010, 6.270.030, 6.270.040, 6.270.050, 6.270.060, 6.270.070, 6.270.090, 6.270.100, 6.270.120, and 6.270.150 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Date passed by City Council: October 3, 2005
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 307717)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at November 7, 2006 election
Vote Totals: 78037 - 133233

Ordinance: 122752
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to the City of Seattle's solid waste system, establishing an advanced recovery fee (a green fee) for disposable shopping bags, providing a deduction for the green fee from the City's business license tax, creating two new positions, and amending Seattle Municipal Code Chapters 21.36, 21.40, and 5.45.
Date passed by City Council: July 28, 2008
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 309615)
Disposition: Ordinance defeated at August 19, 2009 election.
Vote Totals: 67524 - 76346

Ordinance: 123542
Ordinance Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to the State Route 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement Program; entering into certain agreements with the State of Washington as provided in RCW 39.34.080, RCW Chapter 47.12, and other applicable law; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Date passed by City Council: February 7, 2011
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 311492)
Disposition: Only Section 6 of the ordinance was referred. Section 6, if approved, would authorize City Council to give notice to proceed with the agreements concerning the State's proposal to replace the viaduct with a deep-bore tunnel. The Ordinance was approved at the August 16, 2011 election.
Vote Totals: 78767 - 56501

Ordinance: 124441
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to companies and drivers of a new type of for-hire vehicle in order to create a pilot program for transportation network companies and affiliated drivers and vehicles: establishing minimum operating requirements for transportation network companies and affiliated drivers; imposing vehicle inspections; imposing a zero tolerance drug use policy for affiliated drivers; imposing minimum insurance requirements for transportation network companies and affiliated vehicles; requiring rate transparency for transportation network companies; and establishing licensing fees; raising the maximum number of taxicab licenses issued by the City; revising terminology; adding new sections and amending various Sections of Chapter 6.310 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Date passed by City Council: March 17, 2014
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 313692)
Disposition: The referendum petition included sufficient signatures to be referred to a vote. However, the City and the rideshare companies affected entered into a 45-day negotiation period and ultimately came to an agreement that avoided sending the Ordinance to the voters.
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 124490
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to employment in Seattle; adding a new Chapter 14.19 to the Seattle Municipal Code; establishing minimum wage and minimum compensation rates for employees performing work in Seattle; and prescribing remedies and enforcement procedures.
Date passed by City Council: June 2, 2014
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 313881, CF 313882)
Disposition: Two separate referendum petitions were filed. Both were sent to King County Elections for signature verification and both were found to have insufficient valid signatures.
Vote Totals: n/a

Ordinance: 125578
Ordinance Title: An ordinance relating to taxation; adding a new Chapter 5.37 and a new Chapter 5.38 to Title 5 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and amending Sections 5.30.010, 5.30.060, 5.55.010, 5.55.040, 5.55.060, 5.55.150, 5.55.165, 5.55.220, and 5.55.230 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Date passed by City Council: May 14, 2018
Referendum Type: Citizen petition (CF 320835)
Disposition: Ordinance repealed by Council, signatures never transmitted to King County Elections.
Vote Totals: n/a

Municipal Archives, City Clerk

Jeanie Fisher, Interim City Archivist
Address: 600 Fourth Avenue, Third Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94728, Seattle, WA, 98124-4728
Phone: (206) 684-8353

The Office of the City Clerk maintains the City's official records, provides support for the City Council, and manages the City's historical records through the Seattle Municipal Archives. The Clerk's Office provides information services to the public and to City staff.