Wraparound Services
Investment Summary
Wraparound Support investments help eliminate non-academic and socioeconomic barriers to learning for Seattle students. By addressing students' non-academic and socioeconomic challenges, students will be able to attend school and engage in meaningful learning in the classroom as well as other academic and enrichment activities offered at their school.
Services in this investment area include:
Family Support Services: Case management and other in-school wraparound services to students who are chronically absent and not yet meeting grade level learning standards
Homelessness and Housing Support Services: Funding assistance to help unstably housed students and families and prevent further homelessness
Sports and Transportation Service: Coaching stipends for Middle School sports and transportation services from K-12 levy-funded activities that occur outside of the school day.
Investment Details
Family Support Service funds provide staffing for Family Support Workers located at certain Seattle Public Schools (SPS). These staff support students who are chronically absent and not yet meeting grade level learning standard. Funds are directed to SPS. Homelessness and Housing Support Service funds are used to provide unstably housed students and families emergency assistance funding and staffing to refer and connect students and their families to additional services that can meet their holistic needs. Homelessness and Housing Support Services funds are managed by Seattle's Human Services Department and provided to the YWCA who works in partnership with SPS' McKinney-Vento Office to serve students experiencing homelessness. Sports and Transportation funds provide stipends for middle school athletic coaches and transportation for students participating in Levy-funded out-of-school time programs. Sports and Transportation investments are managed by Seattle Parks and Recreation and provided to SPS middle schools.