2025-2026 Seattle Preschool Program

Request for Qualification

The deadline to apply for this opportunity is Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 11:59pm

The Seattle Department of Education & Early Learning is accepting applications from qualified center-based early learning providers and new agencies to join Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) or expand existing SPP classrooms at their site. SPP provides accessible, high-quality preschool services for Seattle children ages 3- and 4-years-old designed to improve their readiness for school and to support their subsequent academic achievement.

Organizations, early learning providers, and entities providing services described in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) are invited to submit applications. Funding is available through the 2018 Families, Education, Preschool and Promise (FEPP) Levy. 

Please note: Changes to the funding process and timeline may occur. DEEL will not provide individual notice of changes, and applicants are responsible for regularly checking this web page for technical assistance information, updates, clarifications, or amendments.   

Who can apply and for how much money

Approximately $3 million is available to contract for approximately nine new SPP classrooms for the 2025-26 school year. These new classrooms will include a combination of classrooms identified through this RFQ, expansion of existing SPP providers, and direct contracting with eligible entities.

This RFQ is intended for center-based programs, including programs operating in Seattle Public Schools buildings, and new agencies not contracted with the Seattle Preschool Program. Family Child Care (FCC) programs interested in participating in SPP are not eligible to apply using this application portal and should instead contact one of SPP’s FCC Hub administrators at BrightSpark Early Learning Services or Tiny Tots Early Learning Collaborative for more information. 

Types of programs that can be funded

Eligible applicants must meet SPP programmatic and participation requirements as reflected below. DEEL has structures and resources in place to support providers to meet requirements, if necessary (See Appendix E in the release document). 

Program Requirements

Classroom Size

20 or fewer children per classroom

Teacher to student ratio

Maximum 1 teacher per 10 students (1:10)

Service hours

6 hours per day, 180 days per year


Creative Curriculumn or HighScope

Waivers may be granted for other high-quality evidence-based curriculum for agencies with EA ratings of Level 4 or higher who have intensive plans for coaching, training and assessment. 

Child-Level Assessments

Teaching Strategies GOLD, ASQ:SE2, ASQ-3, Health Screenings 

Classroom Teacher Requierments

Each classroom must at a minimum have 1 lead teacher and 1 assistant teacher, or a two co-lead teacher structure 

Required Teacher Qualifications

Lead Teacher:* Bachelor’s degree (BA) in Early Childhood Education or bachelor’s with 30 ECE credits 

Assistant Teacher:* Associate degree in Early Childhood Education or other associate degree with 20 ECE credits 

*Education degree and ECE credits in ECE must be verified as “approved” in MERIT. Teachers who do not meet these requirements will have up to four years to meet them. College tuition assistance may be available through DEEL.

Site Director

Must meet lead teacher qualifications.

Required Family Support Worker Qualifications (if funded through the SPP Contract) 

Associate or higher degree with the equivalent of 30 college quarter credits in related (human services/social work) as “approved” in MERIT. 

Family Support

SPP providers are required to provide direct support to the families served at the agency to improve child outcomes. 

More information can be found in the RFQ Overview document provided below.

How applicants will be selected

The following steps are required for becoming an SPP provider.

  • Applicants must first submit an RFQ application to demonstrate how they meet the qualifications for becoming an SPP provider. Successful applicants will be placed on an SPP Roster to be considered for selection as a provider for the 2025-26 school year. If DEEL determines no provider fulfills criteria set out in this RFQ, DEEL may at any time cancel the RFQ without selecting any provider.
  • DEEL will then select one or more providers from the SPP Roster according to the criteria outlined in Tables 3 and 4 of the RFQ overview document.

There is no guarantee of work or funding associated with this RFQ opportunity.  
Contracting is expected to begin in March 2025 for preschool classes starting September 2025. 


Please ensure that you submit the Seattle Preschool Program Agency Application as soon as possible to have time to complete the two additional required forms as part of your application.   
Only after submitting the Seattle Preschool Program Agency application, you will receive an email from Submittable with further instructions to access the two additional required forms (site and classroom forms).

All forms above must be completed by 11:59 pm, on December 18, 2024, in order for your application to be considered complete.   

Event Date and Time*
Application Opens October 30, 2024

Live Q&A Information Sesssion

Link to watch recorded video session will be posted in the section below following the meeting. 

  • November 14, 6:30pm -7:30pm

Join the meeting now
+1 (206) 686-8357,,28815054#

  • November 19, 11:00am-12pm 

Join the meeting now
+1 (206) 686-8357,,49479143#

Last Day to Submit Questions Friday, December 13, 2024, 5:00 PM 
Application Deadline Wednesday, December 18, 11:59 PM 
Application Review Period December 19, 2024 - January 14, 2025 
Notifications Issued to Applicants January 2025

*Dates subject to change

How to Apply

Applications may ONLY be submitted to DEEL by using Submittable, an online application portal

All applicants must complete the online application via Submittable using the Online Application Link.  

  • New users will be required to create a free Submittable account. 
  • The application portal allows users to save progress on their draft applications prior to submitting. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted after the deadline. The portal automatically closes on December 18, at 11:59pm PST. 
  • Applicants can expect to receive a confirmation email from Submittable after the application is submitted. 
  • Submittable works best on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported.  

Click on the links below to learn more about the application process and access the online application portal in addition to information and resources that will assist you in completing your application. 

Application Essentials

Item Description Link

RFQ Overview

This will guide you through the application process Download as a PDF

Online Application Link (Submittable)

Link takes you to the online application portal, Submittable, to start your application.    Access to Submittable Application Portal 

Word template of the application form (Optional)

Template for internal collaboration only; Final application submission must be via the Submittable portal; no other format will be accepted.  Download Word template

Agreement template 

Overview of contract agreement for reference. Download PDF template

SPP program manual template

Overview of the program manual.  Download PDF template

Supporting Materials

Question and Answer Session Recording Watch Session Recording 11.14.2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Updated 12.5.24

All materials and updates to the RFQ are available on DEEL’s Funding Opportunities webpage. DEEL will not provide individual notice of changes, and applicants are responsible for regularly checking the webpage for any updates, clarifications, or amendments.  

How to submit questions  
Please submit questions about this grant via email to DEELFunding@seattle.gov and include "Question: SPP RFQ" in the subject line. Responses will be published and linked in the table above. Please allow three (3) business days for answers to submitted questions.  

For Technical Questions related to using Submittable:  

  • Check the Submitter Resource Center   
  • Send questions directly to Submittable’s Customer Support or by email to DEELfunding@seattle.gov with the Subject line: “Submittable Question: SPP RFQ Application.”

Language Assistance 
Do you need an interpreter? Do you need documents translated? Language assistance is available! Contact DEELfunding@seattle.gov or (206) 386-1050.  
Hay asistencia disponible en varios idiomas.  
¿Necesita un intérprete para recibir ayuda en su idioma? ¿Necesita documentos traducidos? Hay asistencia disponible en varios idiomas: DEELfunding@seattle.gov o (206) 386-1050.  
የቋንቋ እርዳታ አለ።  
ለቋንቋ እርዳታ አስተርጓሚ ይፈልጋሉ? ሰነዶች እንዲተረጐሙ ይፈልጋሉ? የቋንቋ እርዳታ አለ። DEELfunding@seattle.gov - (206) 386-1050.  
您需要口译员提供语言協助吗? 您需要文件的翻譯吗? 提供语言协助 : DEELfunding@seattle.gov - (206) 386-1050.  
Gargaarsi afaanii ni jira.  
Gargaarsa afaaniitiif nama afaan hiiku si barbaachisa? Sanadoota akka hiikkaman isin barbaachisa? DEELfunding@seattle.gov - (206) 386-1050.  
Kaalmada luqadda waa laga heli karaa.  
Ma u baahan tahay turjumaan caawimaad luqadeed? Ma u baahan tahay dukumeenti la turjumay? DEELfunding@seattle.gov - (206) 386-1050.  
Có sẵn hỗ trợ bằng ngôn ngữ.  
Quý vị có cần thông dịch viên để được hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ không? Quý vị có cần dịch tài liệu không? DEELfunding@seattle.gov - (206) 386-1050.    

Education and Early Learning

Dwane Chappelle, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 1700, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94665, Seattle, WA, 98124-6965
Phone: (206) 233-5118
Phone Alt: Childcare and Preschool: (206) 386-1050
Fax: (206) 386-1900

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