Educator Diversity

Request for Investment

The deadline to apply for this funding opportunity closed on May 23, 2022 at 3:00 pm. 

As part of the 2022 budget allocation supporting recommendations from the Equitable Communities Initiative, DEEL is seeking requests for investment (RFI) from community-based organizations for educator diversity funding. DEEL will invest up to $700,000 in community-based programs supporting professional learning opportunities for educators of color disproportionately impacted by systemic inequities in education to increase racial and ethnic representation in the education workforce. Funded programs will provide historically underserved youth with increased access to racially, linguistically, and ethnically diverse educators providing culturally-responsive learning opportunities to support student success.

*Grant Process Update: 

On May 16, DEEL amended the RFI application to remove "age range program will serve” section from Cover Sheet. Age range is not applicable to this RFI. Amendments to eligibility criteria are outlined in the RFI overview document.  

On July 7, DEEL announced notifications regarding funding decisions will be provided to applicants on Friday August 12, 2022.  

Who can apply and for how much money:

Community-based organizations and individuals providing services and learning opportunities to educators who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color are eligible to apply. For purposes of this RFI, educators include individuals: 

  • Being recruited and/or enrolled in a teacher preparation program
  • Working in a K-12 school based setting within a variety of roles, including para-educators, athletic coaches, administrative staff, instructional staff, teachers, school leadership, etc.

Up to $150,000 will be awarded per selected applicant. 

Types of programs that can be funded:   

Programs eligible for funding will provide aspiring educators of color support with:  

  • Entry: Increased outreach, recruitment, and enrollment in preparation programs.   
  • Teacher Education and Program Retention: Increased teacher preparation program retention and completion; access to supplementary curriculum that focuses on positive identity development.  
  • In-service and Classroom Retention: Increased access to professional development and mentoring opportunities promoting retention and job satisfaction. 
  • Advancement: Increased access to professional development and mentoring support promoting career advancement.
  • Professional and Organizational Development: Increased organizational capacity (operations, financial development, program strategy) of community-based organizations working on educator diversity outcomes; Increased access to professional development opportunities for non-certified teaching staff working in educational spaces to advance in the field. 

How will applicants be selected? 

Funding will be awarded through a competitive process managed by DEEL. Applications will be evaluated using specific criteria outlined in the application and a review panel will make recommendations.  


Eligible applicants will submit a grant application online no later than 3:00 pm on Monday May 23, 2022. DEEL will notify successful applicants on Friday August 12, 2022.  

Event:  Date and Time*: 
Request for Investment application issued   Monday May 2, 2022   
Pre-recorded RFI Information Session becomes available Wednesday May 4, 2022 by 4:00 p.m.
Technical Assistance Session
This meeting will be hosted virtually via Microsoft Teams. 
Wednesday May 11, 2022, 2:30 - 4:00 pm 
Click this link to join meeting.  
Last day to submit questions    Wednesday May 18, 2022, by 4:00 pm  
Deadline to apply   Monday May 23, 2022, by 3:00pm   
Applications reviewed and rated   May 31 – June 13, 2022 
Review panel deliberations     June 20 – June 24, 2022    
Notifications issued to applicants*    Friday July 8 August 12, 2022 

*Dates subject to change. 

How to Apply: 

For your reference, please find the full RFI Overview document linked below.  

RFI Overview Document* Click to access in PDF format

Each of the following forms are required as part of your application for funding. Please be sure to complete each of the following:  

Application Template* Click to access in Word or PDF format  
Online Registration Form   Click to access form 
Budget Submission Template   Click to download an Excel sheet  

Please click the links below to view additional information and resources to support you with your application.  

Pre-Recorded Information Session   Click to access Youtube Video  
Information Session Slides   Click to access slides in PDF format
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):   Updated May 20, 2022

How to submit your application:  

Email your application to Please use the following naming convention in the subject line of your email and for the electronic files attached: “[Organization Name] - Educator Diversity RFI”.  

How to ask questions:  

For questions regarding the application process or language interpretation requests, please contact: with "Question: Educator Diversity RFI" in the subject line. 

Education and Early Learning

Dwane Chappelle, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 1700, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94665, Seattle, WA, 98124-6965
Phone: (206) 233-5118
Phone Alt: Childcare and Preschool: (206) 386-1050
Fax: (206) 386-1900

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