Seattle Clean Buildings Accelerator

We're here to support you!

Not sure where to start to meet State and City of Seattle requirements? Start here with the Seattle Clean Buildings Accelerator.

It's a free technical support program for owners and managers of buildings 20,000 square feet and larger to understand the State of WA Clean Buildings law, reduce emissions to prepare for the Seattle Building Emissions Performance Standard (BEPS), and get on the path to compliance. The program includes an educational website and light coaching and training that is tailored to your building(s) to help prioritize next steps.1 One or more people from an organization can join.

All building owners are welcome, and we especially encourage BIPOC, nonprofits, and owners of buildings that serve or are in frontline communities to join our free light coaching and training.2 This can include many types of buildings like non-profits, buildings with BIPOC-owned small businesses, healthcare, museums, shelters, schools, community centers and more.

Free Light Coaching

  • Seattle Clean Buildings Accelerator Multifamily Webinar: The Seattle Clean Buildings Accelerator hosted a webinar specifically for multifamily buildings that need to comply with the City and state emissions and energy building standards. Watch the recording >
  • Please join our mailing list to be notified about other events and information.

Educational Website

2025 Building Decarbonization Grant Funding

Per the final City budget, OSE will have $4.5 million in 2025, prioritized for capital improvements and/or engineering support for building owners to implement GHG emissions-reduction upgrades in buildings that serve frontline communities and affordable housing. Sign up for the Benchmarking, BEPS & Tune-Ups Newsletter, where the grant competition’s opening will be announced.

The Accelerator Helps Participants 

  • Plan to comply with the State Clean Buildings Standards
  • Learn about ways to meet the Seattle Building Emissions Performance Standard
  • Explore and understand City Light incentives and other support like King County C-PACER and upcoming City of Seattle funding. 
  • Select buildings enrolled in light coaching can get extra analysis support to move energy and emissions reduction projects from idea to implementation.

Please email to join the program mailing list, sign-up or learn more.

1A team led by Stillwater Energy, which has experience implementing similar programs for SnoPUD and Puget Sound Energy, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion experience in the context of strategic energy management for buildings is leading the coaching sessions and education program implementation.

2Seattle's Green New Deal supports the program within the City of Seattle and has a prioritization on buildings serving frontline communities. Frontline communities include Black people, Indigenous people, sovereign tribal nations, communities of color, immigrants, refugees, youths, elders, houseless people, disabled people, LGBTQ+ people, people with low and no income, and people who work in outdoor occupations.

Sustainability and Environment

Jessyn Farrell, Director
Address: 700 5th Avenue, #1868, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94729, Seattle, WA, 98124-4729
Phone: (206) 256-5158

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