Fresh Bucks Benefits

The Fresh Bucks program expands community access to healthy and affordable food. Eligible and enrolled participants receive $40 per month in Fresh Bucks benefits to purchase fruits and vegetables at farmers markets, neighborhood grocers and Seattle Safeway stores

Guided by the City of Seattle's Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI), Fresh Bucks aims to eliminate racial disparities in access to healthy foods among historically underserved communities. We do this by partnering with local community-based organizations and health clinics that work with communities most affected by food insecurity and health disparities to enroll eligible participants in the Fresh Bucks program.

For up to date Fresh Bucks information, visit the Fresh Bucks website or sign up for our newsletter to receive program updates.

Fresh Bucks Benefits

Eligible and enrolled Seattle households automatically receive $40 in benefits in their Fresh Bucks account each month. Customers can spend their benefits on fruits and vegetables by using their Fresh Bucks Card or app linked to their account. 

Fresh Bucks transitioned to electronic benefits in 2021, replacing the use of paper vouchers and creating a more equitable shopping experience for Fresh Bucks participants by reducing the stigma a customer may experience using paper vouchers at checkout. 

Fresh Bucks Application

Our program enrollment is currently full. We are working on creating an online interest form, which will take the place of our annual enrollment application. Income-eligible Seattle neighbors who submit an interest form will automatically be placed on a waitlist for Fresh Bucks benefits and will be notified of enrollment if budget becomes available. Sign up for the Fresh Bucks e-Newsletter to learn more about these and other program updates.

Sustainability and Environment

Jessyn Farrell, Director
Address: 700 5th Avenue, #1868, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94729, Seattle, WA, 98124-4729
Phone: (206) 256-5158

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We collaborate with City agencies, business groups, nonprofit organizations, and other partners to protect and enhance Seattle's distinctive environmental quality and livability.