Seattle's Trees & Forests
Trees and open spaces are integral to healthy urban environments.
Seattle’s trees have significant environmental, economic, and social benefits. Urban forests mitigate the health impacts of extreme heat, improve air and water quality, provide natural stormwater management and soil protection, and attract people to local business districts and community spaces.
Managing Seattle’s urban forest to realize its benefits, grow our canopy, and increase resilience to climate change relies on Citywide planning and effective integration of goals, policies, and initiatives across departments and services.
OSE works with staff and leadership across City departments to create a Seattle-wide strategic vision and approach to urban forestry. We aim to achieve a vision where everyone—starting with those most harmed by inequities—has access to trees and the benefits they provide and where we keep Seattle’s trees and forest healthy and thriving in the face of a changing climate.
Trees for Seattle is the umbrella for all of the City of Seattle's urban forestry efforts. For more information on programs like Trees in Neighborhoods, planting and event opportunities, restoration, and more, please visit the Trees for Seattle site.
Our Strategies
Our Programs
Canopy Cover Assessments
Every five years, the City conducts a Canopy Cover Assessment to track trends of our canopy cover. Seattle's canopy goal is to reach 30% canopy cover by 2037, as well as to improve tree health and equitable distribution of trees to support community health and resilience to climate change.
Urban Forestry Commission
The City passed Ordinance 123052 in August 2009 establishing an Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) to advise the Mayor and City Council on policy and regulations for protecting, managing, and conserving trees and vegetation in the City of Seattle. OSE oversees and manages the Urban Forestry Commission.
Urban Forest Management Plan
Seattle's newly updated Urban Forest Management Plan provides a framework for policy and action that guides City government decision-making to help Seattle maintain, preserve, enhance, and restore its urban forest.