Mandatory Housing Affordability
Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) ensures that new commercial and multifamily residential development contributes to affordable housing. This is done by requiring new developments to include affordable housing (performance option) or contribute to the Seattle Office of Housing fund to support the development of affordable housing (payment option).
MHA will provide rent-restricted, income-restricted homes for low-income people. This requirement is implemented by changing zoning to allow larger development and more housing. When developers and owners apply for new building permits, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspection reviews each proposal to determine what MHA requirements the new development is subject to. Once these requirements are confirmed, the Office of Housing will review projects to coordinate with developers to comply with the MHA Program via the payment or performance option. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found on Tip 257.
MHA Performance Owner-Occupied Homes:
Affirmative Marketing
- Affirmative Marketing Information Sheet — This document provides an overview of affirmative marketing for properties in the MFTE and Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) programs.
- Letter of Intent — Affirmative Marketing — This document indicates a property owner's commitment to implement Affirmative Marketing. The Letter of Intent must be submitted to the Office of Housing along with the MFTE Initial Application. MHA properties may submit this form as part of their MHA Agreement.
- Special Outreach for Affirmative Marketing — Properties implementing Affirmative Marketing should use this form to contact community-based organizations.
- Community-based Organizations for Affirmative Marketing — Rental properties must choose three organizations to direct their special outreach to. This spreadsheet includes contact information for over 60 community-based organizations around Seattle that rental properties may choose from. Homeownership properties should contact our team at 90 days prior to listing their properties for sale for a list of community-based organizations that can assist with affirmative marketing for homeownership.
- Affirmative Marketing Reports — Properties implementing Affirmative Marketing must demonstrate compliance by completing this form and submitting it to the Office of Housing. It is part of the Final Certificate Application for the MFTE program.