Funding Announcements & Application

At least once per year the Office of Housing publishes a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Rental Housing Program. The notice describes specific funding priorities and requirements for each available fund source, of which the Seattle Housing Levy is traditionally the largest. OH's funding announcements are often part of a larger combined announcement of funds for homeless housing and services across King County.

For homeownership projects, a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) is published twice per year. 

Preparing Projects for Application

The Office of Housing's Rental Housing Program funds the development of affordable rental housing in Seattle using the Housing Levy Rental Preservation and Production Program funds, federal funds, and other fund sources. The steps below describe basic steps prior to application for Rental Housing Program funds. 
Priority Review and Contact List (Updated August 2020).

Pre-Application Meeting

Project sponsors must schedule a pre-application meeting with Office of Housing lending staff to determine eligibility prior to application. OH encourages pre-application meetings in the early stages of project development to allow for meaningful feedback and guidance in relation to OH funding requirements and priorities.  

Certification of Consistency with Consolidated Plan

To be eligible to apply for OH funding, and as requirement for certain other non-City of Seattle funding sources, proposed projects must receive a letter from the Office of Housing that certifies that the project is consistent with the City of Seattle Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. Applicants must provide a complete Consistency Application at least 30 days in advance of when the certification is needed. Please plan accordingly. 
Download the Consistency Application and follow the instructions to submit.

Siting Determination

To be eligible to apply for OH funding, proposed projects must comply with the Development Siting Policy described in Chapter X.1 of the Housing Funding Policies. Siting determinations are provided by email and copies must be included with applications for funding from OH. 
To request a Siting Determination, please send an email to with the subject line “Siting Determination Request” and ALL of the following information about the proposed project. 

  • Name of the proposed project
  • Full address, including ZIP code
  • Total number of units
  • Complete counts of units by AMI restriction (e.g., 10 units at 30% AMI, 20 units at 50% AMI, 1 unrestricted, etc.)
    • Unit counts by AMI must add up to the stated total
  • Name of the sponsoring organization
  • Name of the development consultant/organization, if different from sponsor
  • Brief general description of the population to be housed
  • Anticipated timeframe to apply for OH funding 


  • Any missing information will delay the process. Please allow at least 30 days for processing.
  • Applicants should request a Siting Determination as soon as they have solidified the unit AMI details of the proposed project enough that they will not change before application to OH.
  • Siting Determinations are valid for one year from the date they are provided unless withdrawn before then by the requestor. It is the responsibility of project sponsors to request new Siting Determinations once old ones expire. OH staff will not send reminders about expiring Siting Determinations.
  • If you receive a Siting Determination but decide not to pursue development further before it expires, please advise OH. 

In addition, affordable housing developers can request information about the current status of potential development sites with regard to the Development Siting Policy for exploratory purposes. This information is provided as a courtesy and is not the same as an official Siting Determination. To request this information, developers may send an email with the full address of the site in question and the subject line “Development Siting Check” to  

Neighborhood Notification & Community Relations Guidelines

Required application elements for most funding applications to OH will include proof of Neighborhood Notification and a draft Community Relations Plan. The exact requirements are summarized in the Neighborhood Notification and Community Relations Guidelines. Before submitting an application to OH, neighbors within 500-feet of the project location must be notified of the proposed project. To create a list, please visit the King County Parcel Viewer.

2024 Rental Housing Notice of Funding Availability 

The Seattle Office of Housing is accepting proposals in Fall 2024 for the preservation and new construction of affordable, rental housing in the city of Seattle. This 2024 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) describes the goals for our housing investments, lists resources available, highlights key policies, and outlines the application funding process.

The preservation and production of affordable housing is foundational for thriving and equitable communities. The 2024 NOFA seeks to fund projects that will address displacement, create, or preserve access to housing for people experiencing homelessness, and increase access to opportunity. The projects that OH funds will deliver quality, affordable housing for low-income individuals and families, our elders, and our neighbors who work full-time or multiple jobs and are still struggling to make ends meet.

This NOFA includes funding from local and federal sources, each of which has specific affordability restrictions and requirements. OH encourages all applicants to be familiar with the specific requirements of the available funding sources. At the time of the NOFA release, OH has up to $112 million available for awards.

2024 NOFA Applicant List

Application Due: Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 12:00 noon.

2024 Fall Notice of Funding Availability 
Combined Table of Contents
Office of Housing Addendum 
Combined Funders Application – Narrative Questions and Required Attachments
Combined Funders Application – Project Workbook

NOFA Appendices 
Appendix A — 2024-2026 Housing Funding Policies (See: Rental Housing Program, Chapter II)
Appendix B — Developer Fee Schedule 
Appendix C — 2024 Income and Rent Limits 
Appendix D — Residential Prevailing Wage Rate Policy 
Appendix E — Housing Development Consortium Racial Equity Toolkit 

NOFA Information Session

Information about Pre-Application Meetings, Consistency Letters, Siting Determinations, and Neighborhood Notification and Community Relations requirements can be found under ‘Preparing Projects for Application’ on the Funding Announcements & Application page.


Maiko Winkler-Chin, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 5700, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94725, Seattle, WA , 98124-4725
Phone: (206) 684-0721
Fax: (206) 233-7117

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We partner to create affordable housing by equitably investing to prevent displacement and increase opportunities for people to live in Seattle.