Rainier Vista Sunrise Garden
- Seattle Housing Authority tenants
About The P-Patch
Rainier Vista Sunrise Garden
(submitted by a Rainier Vista Sunrise Garden P-Patch community gardener)
Sunrise P-Patch was officially established on a blustery September day in 2013. Twenty-four plots were distributed to a group of neighbors who had devoted a summer's worth of weekends to turning an overgrown lot of weeds (and a few, very hardy, kale volunteers) back into a productive garden.
The .16 acre space at the intersection of 33rd Ave S and S Oregon St has a much smaller footprint than the market garden that once stood on the site. But from the very beginning that humble space felt limitless in its possibilities to serve as a place for members of the newly-developed Rainier Vista community to meet, mingle, and bond over their shared yearning for a little vegetable plot.
The gardeners learned a lot about planning and constructing a community garden during the long summer days, but they learned even more about each other. And long before the first seed was planted, a tight-knit community had already grown. (Though they were all still pretty thrilled about planting those seeds.)
The garden has thrived, acting as a respite not only gardeners but also for an entire neighborhood of bikers, skaters, dog-walkers, and baby-walkers. Our little garden is still growing. Over time, we've added a 3-bin compost station and rebuilt our greenhouse. And we're excited for what future growing seasons will bring.
Get Involved!
If you are interested in designing, building, or gardening in this or any other P-Patch, find out more about the P-Patch sign-up process here. To sign up as a P-Patch participant, call (206) 684-0264, email p-patch.don@seattle.gov, or sign up online.