
We are no longer accepting submissions. Those who have submitted can still view their submissions in our submittal portal below.

Teams were required to be comprised of a property owner or building owner in the downtown core (view this area map) and a design or development firm. Additional community, not-for-profit, and business partners are an added benefit. Submissions requirements  included:

  1. Your building’s typical existing floorplate, and that same floorplate after a proposed conversion from a nonresidential use to a residential use. Include a typical residential unit floor plan. Describe the segment of the housing market your proposal would seek to serve.
  2. Two visualization images of the project including a ground floor external image of how the project contributes to the streetscape and public realm at the ground floor where the building meets the sidewalk.
  3. A rough order of magnitude of the conversion total combined hard and soft costs and associated per square foot construction costs, and a rough order of magnitude estimation of rent or income generated from the converted space.
  4. Incentives the City of Seattle might provide or potential code/policy changes that would make it easier or more desirable for your team to complete the project.


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Evaluation Criteria

Submissions were evaluated by a jury of community member experts. The jury scored proposals according to the five criteria with a maximum of 20 points in each category. Additional considerations may have been considered by the jury to further distinguish proposals.

  • Potential for Action: The submission has a likelihood of implementation and a realistic potential to be built, with the right supports.
  • Innovative Thinking: The submission demonstrates creativity and outside of the box thinking.
  • Downtown Activation: The submission would contribute to downtown vitality and would have a regenerative economic influence.
  • Housing Impact: The submission would provide a meaningful contribution towards housing – in terms of the quantity, type, or affordability of homes that would result.
  • Centers Racial Equity: The submission would not disproportionately impact communities of color, and has potential to provide housing or other supports to BIPOC community members in specific and tangible ways.

Additional Considerations

  • Exploration of alternative residential models
  • Inclusion of economically viable strategies for successfully activating the street level including activation by art and cultural uses.
  • Solutions can propose conversion to uses in addition to residential, but housing should be the primary use.

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

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The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.