Bryant Neighborhood Playground Renovation

Updated: September 17, 2024

Fall 2024

This project is currently in the design phase with construction being planned to start in the first half of 2025.

In April 2024, Seattle Parks presented five play equipment options arranged in a preferred site plan determined from previous community engagement events for Bryant Neighborhood Playground. Thank you for your time and valuable input. We received nearly 100 community responses from our online survey, in-person Open House at the NE Seattle Public Library and email correspondence. Below is a summary of what we heard from the community and our next steps. Of the five play equipment options presented, Option D is preferred. The option is noted to provide wide varieties of ground & elevated play, upper body activities and balanced play events for children in both 2-5 & 5-12 age groups.  

The community also expressed desirable play features from the other options. Option B’s tall slide and elevated bridge connection, Option A’s rich swing & standalone play events, Option C’s sensory & inclusive play elements and Option E’s log /natural simulation for sensory were all highly rated as desired elements. There were additional suggestions to include more swings, a zip line, spin & bouncing play and add more seating and shade.  

As the design develops, SPR will work with the play equipment manufacturers to advance the preferred option and incorporate these other preferred elements into the play area and meet safety and accessibility standards. We will also look for space to accommodate more seating and shade.  
We received many comments about adding restrooms. We’ve forwarded the comments for SPR asset planning’s consideration, however, at this time the Bryant Neighborhood Playground Renovation project is not able to address restroom needs. 


Bryant Neighborhood Playground: 4103 NE 65th St, Seattle 98115 


Seattle Park District provides $1,098,000 for planning, design, and construction.


Planning: 2023
Design: 2024-2025
Construction: 2025

Project Description

This project will replace the existing play area and make accessibility improvements. All improvements will meet accessibility requirements.

The play area will be closed throughout construction.

Community Participation

Thank you to everyone who joined our first Open House on Oct. 18. Please follow this page for updates and more chances to participate. 

Public Meeting - 4/10/24 

Open House - 10/18/23

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
Mailing Address: 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98109
Phone: (206) 684-4075
Fax: (206) 615-1813

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