Mayfair Park Retaining Wall and Stair Replacement
Updated: September 9, 2024
Fall 2024
Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) has completed the design for the improvements of this park. The bid for construction will be advertised after the Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections (SDCI) approves the permit.
We anticipate construction starting in Fall 2024, pending SDCI permit approval. The project will replace the existing timber retaining walls, wood stairs and wooden light poles/standards that have all reached the end of their usefulness. The project requires some paving repair and removal of a few trees that are either hazardous or need to be removed to accommodate the wall replacement.
Sample boring took place in May 2020, this was required to determine the best engineering solution for the retaining walls: Boring locations are indicated with dots, in the attached PDF document with photos.
Mayfair Park, 2600 2nd Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109
The Seattle Parks District provides $1,100,000 in funding for the planning, design and construction.
Planning and Design: Complete
Permitting: In final SDCI review
Construction: Fall 2024; pending permit approval
Community Participation
Thank you to everyone who attended our public meeting/Open House on August 14, 2019. Seattle Parks and Recreation met with community members at Mayfair Park to present a concept drawing for the upcoming park improvements.
Open House - 8/14/19