About the Board

The Sweetened Beverage Tax Community Advisory Board (CAB) was established by the City Council (Ordinance 125324) to advise and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on programs and services supported by the Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT). 

CAB Members

The Sweetened Beverage Tax Community Advisory Board is composed of 11 members who are passionate about race and social justice and committed to centering communities most impacted by health and economic inequities when advising the City and developing budget recommendations on programs and services supported by SBT revenue. Members must live or work in Seattle and are appointed by the Mayor or City Council into one of the following types of positions as defined in Ordinance 125324 (Section 4):

  • Three members have experience implementing community-based programs dedicated to expanding healthy food access and food security;
  • Two members represent populations who are disproportionally impacted by diseases related to the consumption of sugary drinks, with preference given to a parent of a student in the Seattle School District or a child in a Seattle-based early learning program, or a youth representative aged 16-24;
  • Four members have expertise in public health and nutrition with experience managing, researching, or evaluating programs related to the health effects of consuming sugary beverages, particularly among children and their families; 
  • Two members have expertise in education and early learning, with an emphasis on learning from birth to age five.

Now Accepting Applications!

Read our recruitment flyer.

We are accepting applications for 5 positions:

  • Food Access Representative (two openings);
  • Public Health and Nutrition Representative (two openings); and
  • Early Learning (Birth-to-Five) Representative (one opening). 

How to Apply:

Please submit your application, letter of interest, and resume using the online form
Submission Deadline: January 17, 2025.

Current Members:

Name Position No. Position Title Term Begin Date Term End Date Appointing Authority
1. Food Access Representative  9/1/2021  8/31/2025  Council
Barbara Baquero 2. Food Access Representative  9/1/2019  8/31/2023  Mayor
Vacant 3. Food Access Representative  9/1/2023  8/31/2027  Mayor
Bilan Aden
4. Community Representative  9/1/2019  8/31/2023  Mayor
Tanika Thompson* 5. Community Representative  9/1/2019  8/31/2023  Council
Vacant 6. Public Health Representative  9/1/2023  8/31/2027  Council
Kristin Sukys 7. Public Health Representative  9/1/2021  8/31/2025  Council
Jen Moss*^
8. Public Health Representative  9/1/2021  8/31/2025  Mayor
Barbara Rockey
9. Public Health Representative  9/1/2021  8/31/2025  Mayor
Munira Mohamed     
10. Early Learning Representative  9/1/2019  8/31/2023  Council
Dan Torres^  11. Early Learning Representative  9/1/2021  8/31/2025  Mayor


^Second term