Cable Payment Centers and Service

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Seattle IT regulates cable television providers offering service in Seattle and responds to consumer questions and issues. The City has issued non-exclusive cable television franchises with Comcast and Astound (formerly Wave).

Cable & Broadband Operator Options:

To check your cable and broadband (internet) operator options using the FCC's interactive map, click the following link or on the map below.

FCC's interactive map

Please note that the map data is provided by the FCC on an annual basis and may be subject to minor variation in current providers and broadband speeds. Due to the ongoing federal government shutdown, FCC database availability may be intermittent.

Cable Franchises

To offer cable television service in Seattle, providers must obtain a cable television franchise from the City of Seattle in accordance with Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 21.60. Last revised in 2015, the Code requires cable providers to meet certain technical, customer service, and privacy standards. The City's franchises allow cable providers to offer service city-wide.


Comcast is the City's largest cable operator serving approximately 71,000 Seattle subscribers with cable television, telephone and high-speed internet service. Comcast service is available in most of Seattle. To contact Comcast customer service call toll free (800) 266-2278 (800-COMCAST).

Astound Broadband

Astound (formerly Wave) serves approximately 3,500 Seattle cable subscribers with cable television, internet, and telephone service. Astound serves the Central District and also parts of Beacon Hill, Capitol Hill, Queen Anne, the International District, and the Central Business District. To contact Astound's customer service call toll free (866) 928-3123

Note: Astound offers a traditional cable TV service and a service it calls "Astound TV". The "Astound TV" service is delivered over the internet and requires the subscriber to have an Astound internet connection. Traditional cable TV service does not require an Astound internet connection. Both channel lineups are provided below.

    For questions on the fee/price increases and how they impact your monthly bill, contact Wave's customer service at (866) 928-3123

    Information Technology

    Rob Lloyd, Chief Technology Officer
    Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 2700, Seattle, WA, 98104
    Mailing Address: PO Box 94709, Seattle, WA, 98124-4709
    Phone: (206) 684-0600
    Phone Alt: Cable TV & Internet Discount Information: (206) 684-8498

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    Seattle IT is a trusted partner that provides secure, reliable, and compliant technologies enabling the City to deliver equitable and responsive services to the public.