Ashworth Ave N Neighborhood Greenway

Updated: June 24, 2024

What's Happening Now?

We're completing safety projects near you!

Pedestrians cross Meridian Ave N at N 120th St where new curb ramps and flashing beacons were installed

We are constructing several projects in your neighborhood to make walking and biking safer and more comfortable near James Baldwin Elementary and Ingraham High School.

Neighborhood Greenway Project Construction is currently underway with completion planned in 2025. Installation of new curb ramps and concrete curbs was completed at Meridian Ave N & N 120th St in June 2024. This location received newly marked crosswalks and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons. We also made minor street repairs to the SB lane of Meridian Ave N.

New pedestrian lighting along the trail north of N 120th St is anticipated to be installed June to October 2024.

Completion of the natural drainage work by Seattle Public Utilities (and associated roadway work) has been delayed until 2025, so we will be dividing SDOT work into two phases of construction. All work west/north of Meridian Ave N & N 120th St is still expected to be completed in 2024, while pavement markings and some other project completion on N 120th St east of Meridian Ave N and on Corliss Ave N will be completed in 2025.

Adults and children on bicycles using the Greenway

Project Overview

The Ashworth Ave N Neighborhood Greenway connects residents to local schools, parks, and businesses as well as the citywide transportation network. The new neighborhood greenway will bring affordable, active transportation options for people of all ages and abilities. We are constructing several projects in your neighborhood. These projects will improve the network connection and make walking and biking safer near James Baldwin Elementary (formerly Northgate Elementary School) and Ingraham High School. Below is a list of completed and upcoming projects in your neighborhood, along with their estimated start dates for construction.

A map showing the Greenway route from Northgate Elementary School and Ingraham High School along Corliss Ave N to N 120th St to Ashworth Ave N

Completed marked crosswalk and painted bike dots at Ashworth Ave N & N 125th StLighting

  • New Pedestrian Lighting (2024) on the trail along Ashworth Ave N north of N 125th St 

Shared Use Path and Safety Improvements

  • Ashworth Ave N & N 125th St (completed December 2023): Added marked crosswalks on the west side of N 125th St and the south side of Ashworth Ave N and painted bike dots at the intersection.
  • Meridian Ave N & N 120th St (completed June 2024): Installing curb ramps at four corners and full concrete curbs at NE and NW corners to connect to the existing bus pads. Install marked crosswalks with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB's) on both the north and south legs.
  • 1st Ave NE & Corliss Ave N (as soon as 2026): Making intersection safety improvements and connections for the 1st Ave NE Shared-Use Path.
  • 1st Ave NE Shared-Use Path (between N 117th St and N 130th St) (as soon as 2026): A Safe Routes to School project that creates connections for people walking and biking to James Baldwin Elementary, Northacres Park, and Sound Transit's NE 130th St Infill Station opening in 2026.
  • N 130TH St Vision Zero Safety Corridor (between 1st Ave NE and Stone Ave N) (2024): Improving safety with a new street design and protected bike lanes and addressing immediate pavement quality issues.
  • NE 130th & NE 125th Mobility and Safety Project (2025-2026) improvements will make it easier and more comfortable for people walking, biking, rolling, and taking transit to access Sound Transit's future station and get around the neighborhood. 

New Pedestrian Walkway/Sidewalk Projects: These projects will complete a missing gap in the sidewalk for people around James Baldwin Elementary School.

Ingraham High School students using newly installed crossing signal at Ashworth Ave N & N 130th StSidewalk Projects on Corliss Ave N between N 120th St and N 117th St: This project will complete a missing gap in the sidewalk network for pedestrians around James Baldwin Elementary School.

  • Seattle Public Utilities project (completed) (North section of the block)
  • Seattle Department of Transportation project (2023-2024) (South section of the block)

Crossing Signal Project

  • Ashworth Ave N & N 130th St by SDOT (completed August 2023): Constructed new curb ramps, traffic signal, and sidewalks in missing sections. This project connects people walking, biking, and rolling, along the Ashworth Neighborhood Greenway across N 130th.

What's a Neighborhood Greenway?

Neighborhood greenways are safer, calmer residential streets for you, your family, and neighbors. We make people walking and biking the priority.

Child biking

Neighborhood greenways can include:

  • easier crossings of busy streets with crosswalks, flashing beacons, or traffic signals
  • speed humps to calm traffic
  • stop signs for side streets crossing the neighborhood greenway
  • signs and pavement markings to help people find their way



Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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