3rd Ave Belltown Paving Project (Virginia St to Broad St)

Construction is complete! Crews completed major paving in December 2017 and final striping in May 2018.

Email 684-Road@seattle.gov or call 206-684-ROAD (7623).

Construction Overview

To minimize the duration of the work in front of a given property or block, we divided the project area into 4 work zones. Crews completed major construction in one zone before moving to the next:

  • Zone A: Virginia St to Blanchard St (major construction complete)
  • Zone B: Blanchard St to Battery St (major construction complete)
  • Zone C: Battery St to Vine St (major construction complete)
  • Zone D: Vine St to Broad St (major construction complete)

3rd Ave will generally remain open to traffic throughout construction, although it will be reduced to a single lane in each direction in the active construction zone. Occasional detours are expected and will continue to be communicated in advance. On-street parking will be restricted temporarily at construction locations.

Weekend work will be necessary at intersections heavily used by Metro during the week. Other construction will occur during standard work hours (Monday through Friday, 7 AM – 5 PM). SDOT is working closely with King County Metro so buses continue to operate during construction, although individual bus stops will be temporarily closed or moved. We will not simultaneously close bus stops next to one another.

Project Overview

3rd Ave through Belltown is a primary arterial carrying some 3,600 vehicles per day, approximately 45% of which are buses.

Prior to this project, the street was composed of a mix of concrete panels and asphalt, and had many potholes and patches from previous cuts into the pavement to install utilities. We removed all asphalt and replaced it with concrete panels, which last longer than asphalt. We also replaced concrete panels in the existing curb lane where needed, specifically broken panels and/or those that have previously been cut into for repairs or utility service connections (which makes them more susceptible to breaking).

In addition to repaving the street, the project includes:

  • Replacing curb ramps at some intersections to bring them into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Sidewalks will otherwise not be impacted.
  • Replacing and/or repairing sections of water mains and sewer lines
  • Installing electrical conduit at select locations
  • Expanding both the northbound and southbound bus zones at Virginia St in order to better accommodate the large number of buses using these stops


Construction began May 2, 2017. Major paving took approximately 8 months and was completed in December 2017, with final striping completed in May 2018.

Contact Information

We're committed to keeping you informed and working with neighbors to limit construction impacts to the extent feasible. Here are some ways to get more information:

Community Outreach Lead
Emily Reardon

Project Manager
Brian Glas 


The estimated cost of this project is $9.3 million, with funding from the voter-approved Move Seattle Levy.


Updated: 5/22/2018


Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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