Holman Rd NW and 13th Ave NW New Signal
Updated: August 22, 2019
This project is complete!
The new traffic signal and crossing of Holman Rd NW at 13th Ave NW has been turned on and the crosswalk is fully functional. We'd like to thank the community for your patience, input, and cooperation while we designed and constructed this Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) project. This project is now complete.
Project Overview
In 2016, the Holman Rd NW and 13th Ave NW Signal project was one of 12 selected by the Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee to be funded through SDOT's Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) program. The NSF program funds projects requested by the community.
Community members concerned about the safety of students crossing at street level at this location made the request for a new traffic signal and crosswalk. There are currently no signalized crossings along the half-mile stretch between Holman Rd NW and 6th Ave NW (where the QFC is located) and the top of the hill at Holman Rd NW and Mary Ave NW. This project will improve safety, predictability, and accessibility for people walking, biking, using mobility devices, and riding transit along Holman Rd NW.
We initially proposed removing the pedestrian bridge that crosses over Holman Rd NW at this location and installing 2 crosswalks at the intersection. Our proposal to remove the bridge came as a surprise to many people, and we received extensive feedback urging us to keep it.
Before making a final decision, we hosted a public meeting on July 19 where people heard from us about why we proposed to remove the pedestrian bridge and shared feedback about the importance of the bridge to the community. At this meeting, we agreed to reexamine our design options.
We've come up with a solution that keeps the bridge and installs one crosswalk just below it. This design requires more complex signal design and additional soil and foundation work, which is in part why it was not our initial recommendation, which followed standard design procedures.
- New pedestrian and bike signal and crosswalk on Holman Rd NW at 13th Ave NW
- Enhanced safety for people crossing Holman Rd NW at street level at 13th Ave NW
- Improved accessibility for people using mobility devices, riding bikes, or pushing strollers
- Increased visibility of transit travelers
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NSF applications and project selection
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NSF applications and project selection (new cycle)
Funding comes from the 2015 voter-approved, 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, which will improve safety for all travelers, maintain streets and bridges, and invest in reliable, affordable travel options for a growing city. The levy includes $24 million to continue the Neighborhood Street Fund program over the 9 years.
- Construction Notice (August 2018)
- Construction Notice (July 2018)
- Fact Sheet (November 2017)
- Public Meeting Summary (July 19, 2017)
- Public Meeting Presentation (July 2017)
- Public Meeting Boards (July 2017)
- Fact Sheet February 2017
- SDOT Project Review Document
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