CAD Resources
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is currently testing Autodesk’s BIM/DOCs platform on select advertised Capital Improvement Projects (CIP’s) and has not yet fully committed to this process. Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) staff are using the BIM/DOCs platform, please contact your SDOT Project Manager (PM) for additional details on their current practices.
SPU, SDOT and Seattle Parks & Recreation Department only support 2023 Autodesk products. Consultants are required to use 2023 Autodesk software and meet the requirements as described in the CAD Requirements for Consultants document, linked below.
Existing consultant contracts already in place are not required to upgrade from 2020 to the 2023 release. However, we encourage you to upgrade with us so that we may better support your CAD related needs moving forward. Any new consultant contracts, or work authorizations signed March 2023 or thereafter are required to use the 2023 release.
We have created resources on this page for your use, such as the BIM Manual & CAD support files. Should you have any problems or questions using these files or our CAD Standards in general, please contact the SPU CAD Support Team at
CAD Requirements
If you are performing computer-aided-drafting services for Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle Department of Transportation or Seattle Parks and Recreation you must adhere to the requirements in the following document:
CAD Requirements (PDF)
Local Network Projects vs BIM/DOC’s (Autodesk Construction Cloud) Projects
The City of Seattle is utilizing the BIM/DOCs platform on some of our Capital Improvement Projects (CIP’s), while other CIPs are developed & collaborated within our/your local network. Projects must adhere to the COS-BIM standards. Projects being drafted on a local network may disregard section 2.
We provide two options below. Please discuss with your City PM prior to setting up your project.
BIM/DOCs projects
Consultants who will be working on the BIM/DOCs platform must work with your City PM to complete a BIM execution plan. Doing so will help to provide clear expectations, roles & responsibilities throughout your project’s lifecycle while working with City staff and allow you access to our BIM/DOCs platform. Please visit the City BIM website for more information.
Local Network projects
Download our Standard Folder Structure (ZIP) file which will allow you to easily share CAD files & collaborate effectively with City staff on local network developed CIP’s. Additional support files for local network developed CIP’s can be found on this page.
Drafting Criteria Guidelines
View the following documents to learn more about our drafting guidelines.
- Basemap Manual (PDF)
- Design Drafting Guidelines (PDF)
- As-Built Drawing Requirements (PDF)
- Record Drawing Requirements (PDF)