Specific Project Information Forms (SPIF)
All Specific Project Information Forms (SPIF) are in Microsoft Word (docx).
Method 1: Delineation of Work Areas and Project Startup
Method 2: Clearing, Grubbing, Grading, & Placement of Temporary Fill
Method 3: Work Area Isolation and Fish Removal I Streams, Large Waterbodies, and for Pipe Bypass
- 3A1: Temporary Bypass for Stream Flow: Partial Channel
- 3A2: Temporary Bypass for Stream Flow: Full Channel
- 3A3: Isolating Work Areas in Large Waterbodies
- 3B: Isolation/Bypassing of Piped Infrastructure
Method 4: Pipe, Culvert and Outfall Installation, Replacement and Maintenance
Method 5: Vactoring, Jetting, and Excavating Accumulated Sediments and Debris, Sediment Test Boring, and Pipe, Culvert, and Bridge Maintenance
- 5A: Vactoring and Jetting
- 5B: In-water Excavating
- 5C: Sediment Test Boring
- 5D: Pipe, Culvert and Bridge Maintenance
Method 6: Bank Stabilization
- 6A: Demolish Bulkheads, Revetments, Groins
- 6B: Construct Sheet Pile Bulkhead
- 6C: Construct Cast-in-place Concrete Bulkhead
- 6D: Construct Log or Rock Toe
- 6E: Biotechnical Stabilization
- 6F: Repair Bulkheads
Method 7: Habitat Addition or Maintenance
Method 8: Beach Nourishment and Substrate Addition
- 8A: Beach Nourishment
- 8B: Substrate Addition
Method 9: Boat Launch Improvement, Repair and Maintenance
- 9A: Fill Prop Wash Holes
- 9B: Replace Ballast, Edge Armoring and Concrete Panels; Repair Concrete Panels
- 9C: Pressure Washing Boat Ramps
Method 10: In-water and Overwater Structure Repair and Replacement
- 10A: Piling
- 10B: Anchor and Chain Systems
- 10C: Superstructure, Decking and Utilities on Fixed Structures
- 10D: Floats and Gangways
- 10E: Floating Log Boom
- 10F: Buoys
- 10G: Fixed Breakwaters
- 10H: Highway or Road Bridge Foundation or Footing Repair
- 10I: Removal of Plants and Animals from Pilings for Inspection or Repair
Method 11: Seawall Repair and Maintenance
Method 12: Site Restoration
Method 13: Landscaping and Planting