Current Projects

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12th Ave NW Basin Drainage Improvements Project

Flood-reduction and drainage project in west Broadview

17th Ave NW Stormwater Improvements

Building green stormwater infrastructure to reduce Crown Hill street flooding and sewer risks

430 Pipeline Improvement Project

Regional Drinking Water System Improvements

Bitter Lake Reservoir Improvement Project

Regional Drinking Water System Improvements

Chief Sealth Trail Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Water quality project in southeast Seattle

Fauntleroy Creek Culverts Replacement Program

Creek restoration project in West Seattle

Holden Natural Drainage Systems Project

Drainage improvements and pollution source control in Southwest Seattle

Lake City Floodplain Park

Creek restoration project for water quality, flood reduction and salmon habitat in a community green space

Longfellow Creek Floodplain Project

Drainage improvements and pollution source control in Delridge

Longfellow Creek Natural Drainage System (NDS) Project

Drainage improvements and pollution source control in Delridge

Longfellow Starts Here

Partnering with community to improve water quality and sewer infrastructure in the Longfellow Creek basin

Lower Duwamish and East Waterway Cleanup Projects

Sediment cleanup and pollution source control in the East and Lower Duwamish Waterways

North Thornton Natural Drainage Systems

Drainage improvements and pollution source control in Northeast Seattle

Pipers Creek Natural Drainage System (NDS) Project

Reducing flooding, improving creek water quality, and providing multiple community benefits

Ship Canal Water Quality Project

Sewer system improvements in northwest Seattle

South Park Water Quality Facility

Stormwater treatment and improvements in South Park

South Thornton Natural Drainage System (NDS) Project

Drainage improvements and pollution source control in northeast Seattle

South Transfer Station Phase 2

Cleanup at South Park Landfill and operational improvements at the South Transfer Station

Spot Sewer Repairs Project

The Spot Sewer Repairs Project aims to repair pipes at 58 priority locations across Seattle. By fixing these [...]

Taylor Creek Restoration Project

Creek restoration project in southeast Seattle

Tolt Dam Early Warning System

Siren replacement project in Carnation

Vine Basin Combined Sewer Overflow Control

Sewer system improvements in Belltown

Public Utilities

Andrew Lee, General Manager and CEO
Address: 700 5th Avenue, Suite 4900, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34018, Seattle, WA, 98124-5177
Phone: (206) 684-3000

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Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is comprised of three major direct-service providing utilities: the Water Utility, the Drainage and Wastewater Utility, and the Solid Waste Utility.